
A hazy shade of parenthood

So we've officially entered that "hazy" phase of parenthood where you are so sleep deprived that everything is kinda soft around the edges. You feel like you could take a nap at anytime, anywhere.

You see a bench in the park and think "sure I could sleep on that."

You see a corner in a room and think "sure I could prop myself in the corner and sleep there."

You see a street performer laying on a bed of nails and think "sure I could push that man off his bed of nails, lay down on it and fall asleep, heck, people could even stack cinder blocks on me and I probably won't even wake up." Did I just come up with an additional source of income?

Moving on. Summer is here (kinda), one day it is 80 and the kids are enjoying the sprinkler, then next day it's like a monsoon. I guess the weather could be worse (I'm think East Coast) but I'm still tired of this on-again off-again thing.

Maddie is doing well, we took her to her first parade (Whaling Days in Silverdale) and she had a blast. Ate tons of candy and did not want to leave.

Piper is also doing well. She is getting bigger and bigger and has actually started to cry a bit. Still not much but I'm glad she cries a little because it was almost creepy how quiet she was (did I really just complain about how quiet my newborn is? Shame on me).

Funny thing is, Maddie cries more than Piper. Weird.

Both girls have come down with a little bit of a cold the last few days. For Piper that means she's a little fussier and makes more noises at night (aka freaks us out at night). For Maddie that means it brings her from a 10 to a 7 which is just fine by us.

We're taking Piper on her first camping trip in about a week out at Prineville Reservoir just north of Bend, Oregon with Dianne's family. It's always a good time but I am a bit nervous taking a newborn out there. Luckily, we'll have tons of family to help out.

I'm trying to think of something else interesting to say but I'm pretty much tapped out. I am wearing cool socks which is something.

Anyways, best to all and I'll check back in later.


Jess Van Deusen said...

love your blog! it's so great to hear about your beautiful girls! i am willing you sleep filled nights-though, that may make life boring ;)

The Chesley Family said...

Yah for camping .... only 5 links left on the countdown to Prineville Resevoir chain!
Aunt Jenny