
Our Waterskiing Cowgirl

It looks like we have a little cowgirl on our hands!! Maddie went to her first rodeo on Friday: The Kitsap County Fair & Stampede. I have to say that she was fabulous! We we're their for about 4 hours and she didn't cry one bit, and seemed to love all of the sounds and lights surrounding her. I can see many rodeo's in her future.

Then on Saturday Dianne went shopping and I watched Maddie for almost 5 hours!! This was the longest that Maddie had been away from mom since she was born, and again she was fabulous! Maddie and I went down to the hood canal and met up with our friend Phil, and we all went out on the boat. Maddie was great and seemed to really love having the ocean breeze in her hair.


The Poop Machine

We haven't checked in lately because we're too busy changing diapers. The poop machine (her new nickname) has been going crazy! She seems to have a habit of crop dusting (going all the time) but instead of just a constant little trickle, it's more like a A-Bomb going off in her pants. We had three blow-outs (it is exactly like it sounds) in less than 15 minutes earlier today. I feel bad for her diapers. Nothing could compete with that. You could syran wrap her bum, wrap a whole roll of duct tape around it and seal it in wax but her poo would still escape. I swear its acid. Kinda like in the alien movies when the saliva eats through metal. Thats her. Except poo not saliva. And diapers, not metal.


Photos for all!

Hey all. Many people have been asking for photos so I put together a little web gallery. You can view all sort of pics here, and even download full size prints to download.

Click here to view the gallery


Future Foodies of America

Maddie and I had our first lunch out today. We dined with Melissa and Keller, and of course, Maddie started crying about 5 minutes into the 15 minute drive to the restaurant. We were planning our baby-tantrum exit strategy while I made an attempt to calm her with an ultra-swaddle (which luckily worked and she slept through the entire lunch). We were able to enjoy ordering AND eating before she woke up! Awesome. I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone that made this lunch possible - Melissa for driving and helping with the contingency plan, the host for seating us extraordinarily quickly, our crazy over-friendly waitress for cooing politely over our well behaved children, and last but not least, the cook for throwing together my salad in Phelps-esque record time. There will definitely be more eating out after today's experience...sorry Nick!


Oregon or bust!

Sorry it's been a few days since our last post, but it's hard to prioritize blogging over sleeping.

So what's the news... Last weekend we drove down to Oregon to introduce Madeline to Dianne's side of the family. The drive was much slower than it used to be which I guess we'll have to get used to. We had to make two feeding pit stops which got me thinking that I should invent a way to safely feed a baby while driving. I figure by selling that, and the ever popular Jump to Conclusions mat, I could make like a million dollars.

Hanging out down south and seeing the family was great, everyone was excited to see Maddie and we got loads of pictures (we only chose to post one on the blog so congrats Aunt Lynn).

On the way home we swung by our friends Kim and Brandon to meet their 2 week old daughter Natalee, who at 9 lbs has led to us calling our little girl "runt." The ride up was very much like the ride down except for some terrible traffic (we were actually passed by a guy with a walker).

Other than that we've been doing the norm... trying to sleep when we can.


Time for Reflection

So we've almost reached the three week mark, and everything is going great! Maddie is sleeping more, Dianne and I are getting used to sleeping less, and everything else is falling into place.

We also thought that since we have quite a few friends who read this who are either having or will probably shortly be having babies, we'd lay down some truth for you.

Everyone says "sleep now because you won't be sleeping when the baby comes." This is true but it doesn't quite do justice to how little sleep you get or how tired you really are. I thought that it would be hard to wake up, and I'd be a little tired during the day. Wrong! True getting up is hard but the complete level of exhaustion throughout the day is quite a shock. It makes it hard to do the simplest things like call a friend, clean a room, or move. What's worse is that you really can't catch up on your sleep by going to bed early or sleeping in on the weekends. So fair warning, sleep is tough.

The baby eats all the time! I know that the eventual goal is to get her on some kind of feeding schedule, and hopefully we will, but this early in the game it's more important to feed her whenever she wants, which is all the time! Also, breastfeeding is hard (so Dianne tells me). It's not some simple little process where the baby knows exactly what to do right away (or at least Maddie didn't). You have to work at it and perfect it which takes some time and patience.

Playing is fun. Making faces, reading books, making noises... it's all good. I am really excited for when she starts to make faces back and giggle and such. It's funny because sometimes I'm super tired and Dianne has Maddie, so I should go take a nap or something, but I can't tear myself away from watching her and playing with her. Basically, kids are awesome.

You have to be near the baby all the time. And usually that means holding, soothing, playing or feeding her. Sometimes if your lucky she'll sleep in her bouncer and you can get something done (like take a nap or go to the bathroom or get something to drink or pay bills or relax or eat or do laundry) but she still needs to be right next to you. I didn't realize the amount of attention the baby needs at all times.

Babies poo a lot. Get used to it. Green, yellow, brown, black, smooth, thick, liquid, soft, hard, projectile... you get it all. Oh, and it smells funny.

Parenthood is the greatest thing since pop rocks candy. Even with the tough parts and the unexpected turns, it is so much fun. Having a child that depends on you for everything is stressful, but it's also the best feeling ever. It's fun to think that you basically get to shape this little person into who they will eventually be for the rest of their life. It makes you really take a look at the way you live your life and make sure that you are setting the right example.

As they say, your children are your legacy.

To all my friends who have a minion on the way: Congrats! I can hardly explain how great it is.

To all my friends who are thinking about having kids: Get to it! Maddie needs playmates.

To all my other friends: If you ever feel like babysitting, give me a call.


Aunt Jenny!

This week we have been blessed to have Aunt Jenny with us from Montana. The three ladies have been shopping, looking at wedding dresses and talking about boys all day (or so I assume).

Other than that we're still trying to get used to having a baby. The lack of sleep is tough, and so is blogging while your wife sleeps next to you and you're one-handed typing because your rocking a baby in you other hand. But we'll get through it. Just don't expect any really long blog entries.



Menig & Maddie

Dons & Maddie


Engagement Party!

We went on our first road trip yesterday down to Olympia to attend our friends Rawls & Anna's engagement party. It was GREAT getting out of the house and having a social life, however short. Maddie was perfect! She slept the whole way down, was awake and in a great mood at the party while she was being passed around for almost 3 hours.

It was a lot of fun seeing our friends holding her, and we noticed that we definitely have a few natural fathers in our group of friends (Dons, Menig, Shine...).


Playdate... Hey-Yo!

We made it through the first full week of Nick back to work and survived. In fact things are starting to fall into a more normal existence. We even had our friends Melissa and Josh over with their 3 month old Keller so Maddie could have her first playdate.

We all sat around eating dinner, drinking beer and enjoying the harmonic melodies of Keller and Maddie doing a little duet they call "I can cry loader than you." Personally, I don't think it's a hit but I'm sure it'll get a lot of airplay.