
Kitty Torture

Not a whole lot to report around here. We're getting ready to kick off the holiday season by heading down to Oregon for Thanksgiving and for the raging party that will be Jenny's wedding.

Other than that, things are pretty low key. Maddie has been on a few playdates with her new friend, Drake, which has been entertaining and Dianne and I have been preparing our kitty, Sadie, for the upcoming joys of having a toddler in the house.


Mr. Mom

So Dianne took off to The Great White North (Canada) this weekend and left Me alone with the baby for 3 days and 2 nights!

Here are a few thoughts:

Being a single parent must be hard! I have a whole new respect for single parents (and for stay at home mothers!).

Maddie was great, she was on a steady schedule, she at well from the bottle, and she slept well both nights. None the less, I'm exhausted! I didn't realize how constant caring for her would be. I mean every little thing you do revolves around her and the mood she's in or if she's asleep or awake. It's crazy.

Also, I love her to death but she is a terrible conversationalist. You get really tired of talking to yourself and eventually crave some sort of social interaction (Sunday morning I had cabin fever so bad that I went to the mall just to walk around). Luckily, I planned ahead and had some company lined up: Friday was Grandpa, Saturday was football watching with the boys, and Sunday was with Auntie Amanda.

Last thought:

Being alone for the weekend brings into sharp focus how lucky I am to have a wonderful woman to share being a parent with. By far the hardest part of this weekend was not being able to laugh and joke with Dianne about whatever Maddie was doing. Be it farting or burping or smiling...

One more thing:

Maddie didn't poop the entire weekend until right when Mom got home, just in time to change the diaper. Sweet.



Just wanted to post a short clip of Maddie doing her new thing.


Happy Halloween!

Our "Little Sasquatch" enjoyed her first Halloween on Friday. As you can see, Mommy pieced together a beautiful Bigfoot costume for her. She was way more cuddly than scary.