
Say Hello to Baby Jesus Moses!

Don't worry, we're not going to name the baby "Jesus Moses."

Actually, "Noah" is a top contender but if you're going to go with a biblical name, why stop there.

We just had our first ultrasound and found out that he/she is just over 3cm tall and due on August 1st. This time around we are going to find out the sex, but that won't be for another ten weeks or so. We'll keep you posted.
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kj said...

yay!! congrats! you always have the best due dates! --kara

The Aguilars said...

Congrats! So exciting!!

Unknown said...

Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. This precious little one will hold a very special place in your hearts----always. There will be an emptiness for awhile, but, God willing, Maddie will have a brother or sister in the future. Take extra special care of each other. [We lost a son in the fifth month----32 years ago.]

Hugs, thoughts, and prayers,
Mr. & Mrs. Menig